How To Fly

Flight tips:

  • Confirm station is powered ON. Although not required, power cycling the station beforehand can be beneficial for a fresh connection.

  • Refresh FlytNow web browser at start of operations

  • Log onto the Hextronics Control Panel to confirm station is online

  • PRIMING before a flight will provide a quicker manual takeoff

  • Always allow PRE-FLIGHT ROUTINE to complete

  • Always allow POST-FLIGHT ROUTINE to complete before starting a new mission.

  • Familiarize yourself with the flight area for obstacles and altitude changes before creating a mission.

  • Flight waypoints should not bunch up too close to one another

  • First and last waypoints should be near the docking station home location

  • Use FlytNow utility window for station handling such as open/close, battery swap, etc

Photo/video action tips:

  1. For “Capture image” & “Start Video” waypoint action the drone will always face and capture towards the next waypoint.

Gimbal pitch action inputs:

  1. 0° looks directly forward

  2. -45° is a neutral forward/down view

  3. -90° looks directly down

  4. Adjust the value + or - for optimal pitch angle

WET DRONE emergency landing - (WITHOUT battery swap):

Use this FlytNow sequence via the Utility window & Flight Controls to dock the drone without any battery swapping operations - This is used if the drone has been rained on during a mission, in order to dock the drone without inserting the WET drone battery into the station charging slots.

  1. Select ABORT current mission

  2. Manually fly the drone over the docking station / OR /Select RTDS and select ABORT again when the drone is nearly above the docking station to cancel the sequence

  3. Select Open Enclosure to open the pad

  4. Select Precision Land when the drone is above the station

  5. Select Close Lat & Long

  6. Select Lower Pad

  7. Select Close Enclosure once the drone has safely landed and positioned on the pad

Note: This sequence will prompt the drone to land on the pad and be inserted into the station for housing but NOT proceed to remove the wet battery from the drone for battery swap operations.

Take manual control:

Please reference the 3 manual control option below.

A. Keyboard

B. XBOX controller

C. On-screen

  1. Take manual control mid-flight in the drone FPV view by clicking the Joystick icon (Middle bottom of the FlytNow screen)

  2. Click the icons to change method of control (Keyboard / On-screen / External controller)

  3. Select Resume/abort mission to continue (Bottom right toolbar)

  4. Select Return to docking station to land the drone

A. Keyboard controls:

B. XBOX controller:

C. On screen control:

Last updated